Policy Reports in Applied Epic (Part I)

In this installment of our Applied Epic reports series, we’ll go over some of the most helpful reports found under the Policy Reports tab. When you want to find specific information regarding a policy, the reports found under the Policy section will provide a myriad of data depending on what you are looking for. Many of these reports will help reduce your E&O risk and find gaps in data on an account. Since there are so many reports in this section, we will be splitting our review of Policy reports into two parts. As a reminder, if you do not already have the latest Report Pack installed, contact Applied to get those uploaded to your Epic database. Many of the reports we will review are from that pack.
*Audit Workflow – Expired Policies, Not Renewed*
This report provides a great resource to locate the policies that were never reviewed in Epic. Assuming that these policies should have been renewed, this report lists the expiration dates in the past. It can also point out rewritten policies that were not processed correctly. If a client’s policy was never renewed in Epic, it could mean the renewal process was never started causing a lapse in coverage. Use this report to reduce your E&O risk and find those missed renewals to ensure coverage has not lapsed by mistake.
Audit Data – AB policies with 0% Agency Commission*& Audit Data & DB policies with 0% Agency Commission*
Though these are two separate reports, the information they provide is similar. These reports will list policies that have been entered into Epic but are missing the Line commission (the agency’s commission) on the policy application. If the agency’s commission is zero, then the calculation for the producer/broker’s commissions will also be zero. This will cause your Production reports, Income statement, and any other transaction reports to be incorrect. Depending on the volume of your agency, this report should be run quite frequently.
Audit Data – Policies with Blank Pr/Br*
This report will identify policies where the line Pr/Br tab is blank. Blank Pr/Br will impact your Producer Commission Reports, and if your agency pays producer commission, it is crucial that there is a producer and/or broker commission amount listed on the Line Pr/Br tab. *Bonus Tip – if you are entering Pr/Br on a package policy, be sure to click ‘Apply to All Lines’ so that it is displayed on each line. This will ensure that, no matter the line selected when reconciling commission for that policy, the commission will be included.
*Audit Workflow – Policies with In Process SSRs* & Audit Workflow – Policies with Submitted SSR’s*
Again these are two different reports that provide similar information. To make certain that a workflow has been completed, you want the Service Summary Rows (SSRs) to end in Issued or Not Issued stage. When a SSR is left in the In Process or Submitted stage, it raises the question on whether that workflow has actually been completed. It will also prevent Download from updating a policy if left In Process. While Submitted stage typically mean that an application has been sent to the carrier (maybe for a quote or change in coverage), some agencies consider Submitted stage as Bound coverage. Depending on the date that it was submitted, that SSR could probably be moved to the Issued Stage. Reduce your E&O risk and make sure workflows are being fully completed with these reports.
Book of Business – Line Book & Book of Business – Policy Book
Depending on whether you want to see information by Line or by Policy, a Book of Business Report will detail an agency’s current book of policies. The Modify Criteria options allows you to filter information if needed or see everything on your book. While reports are typically run as PDFs, you can edit this layout to drop more information on the report and run as an Excel, which will provide an easier way of filtering information on the report and break down everything into its own column. Using a Book of Business report is a great way to find gaps in data by policy, like missing premium or commission, missing Producer/Account Manager, etc.
Binder Reports
There are multiple reports for Binder detail. The standard Binder Report will list all binders entered and will indicate their status. But if you want to find out the specific date a binder was closed, if binders were closed more than 30 days from system date, or confirm all open binders have been closed, there are specific reports filtered to find this information. Each of these reports can be found if you sort your screen by Based On, to bring these reports to the top of your screen.
While there are numerous reports available under the Policy section, the ones highlighted in this review can prove to be extremely valuable in finding gaps in data and reducing your E&O risk. Be sure to check back next month for Part II of the Policy Reports where we will highlight even more helpful reports.
If you have any questions regarding the use of any of these reports or are interested in any of our other Agency Consulting Services, be sure to contact us today!

Kellie Halfpap
Agency Consultant
Kite Technology Group